Building Wealth In First
Nations Communities
Lease Negotiations
When a developer approaches you
about leasing your property or renegotiating your lease, it is probable that
he has already done his homework. In many cases, aboriginal land
holders are not as well prepared when entering into a lease negotiation.
Reserve Management Inc. can provide the knowledge and experience needed to
conclude a deal that will give the aboriginal land owner a fair return.
Property Management
Good property management is the
key to building wealth from existing rental properties. Reserve
Management Inc. can either manage your property for you, and free you up for
more important pursuits, or provide you with the information, systems and
tools you need to manager your property yourself.
Real Estate Investment Analysis
For entrepreneurs considering a real estate
development, real estate investment analysis is the key to turning an
unknown risk into a calculated risk. The objective of real estate
investment analysis is to inform the investor of the potential risks and
rewards associated with an investment before a commitment is made.
Successful investors take risks, but they take calculated risks - they don't
wing it and they understand both the best case and worst case scenario
before committing to a project. Reserve Management Inc. can analyze
your project and advise you on the probable risks and rewards that you can
expect from a proposed investment under different scenarios, including
different financing scenarios.
Business Planning
Much like a real estate investment, a business project
involves the investment of time and resources in an enterprise based on the
assumption that there will be a reward to the investor and that the level of
risk is acceptable or it can be managed. The key to success as
an entrepreneur is fully understanding both the level of risk associated
with the proposed investment and the potential rewards from that investment.
Reserve Management Inc. can analyze your project, were other existing or
proposed, and advise you on the probable risks and rewards that you can
expect from future operations under different scenarios, including different
financing scenarios. If a project appears viable, Reserve Management
Inc. can assist you with developing your business plan, obtaining financing
and implementing the plan.
Community And Economic Development
For Aboriginal communities looking to move forward,
creating a vision of the future is a critical first step. A
community developed vision of its future is the foundation for detailed
plans and strategies for making the vision become a reality. Reserve
Management Inc. can guide your community through the process of creating a
realistic vision for the future and the development of detailed plans and
strategies for bringing your community's vision to life.
Local Services Agreements And Municipal Sewer And Water
Community and economic development in any Aboriginal
community depends on the quantity and quality of services available.
Water and sewer services are particularly important. In many
Aboriginal communities, the most affordable option for obtaining water and
sewer services is to contract with a neighboring municipality or regional
district. Reserve Management Inc. can assist Aboriginal communities
with the research and negotiating skills necessary to concluding servicing
agreements that will facilitate on-reserve community and economic
development and promote a cooperative working relationship with the service
Organizational Development
A community's strategy for realizing its vision of the
future must include the creation of a committed, efficient and professional
organization to carry out its direction. The best laid plans will fall
by the wayside without a strong, capable organization to implement them.
Reserve Management Inc. can assist Aboriginal communities with the
development of organizational structures, policies and procedures and bylaws
that will make their organization more focused and responsive to the wishes of the
Claims, Negotiation And Litigation Research And Support
Success in any litigation or negotiation depends in
large part on the quality of the homework done in preparation. Many
such efforts require the collection and analysis of large amounts of data
from various sources. If you or your community is involved in a
sensitive negotiation or litigation, Reserve Management Inc. can assist by
doing your homework for you. Reserve Management Inc. has been
instrumental in assisting its clients to resolve longstanding issues through
thorough and well organized research.